2016第四届中国电子信息博览会(CITE 2016)昨日在深圳会展中心落幕,2016第二届深圳国际机器人与智能系统博览会”吸引了来自世界各观众前来参观展会。
These are the reasons that machine vision is increasingly being utilized
Since 1876, when Bell used electricity to transmit sound, the distance between humans has been reduced.
To achieve the final result, machine vision technology is also in need of continuous progress
Technology is just a tool to optimize infrastructure, resource allocations and space sharing
Embedded operating systems have the basic characteristics of general-purpose operating systems
We are welcoming the dawn of a new era
Medical electronics, smart home, logistics management and power control continue to be popular
Machine vision has long been used in industrial automation systems to improve production quality and yield by replacing the traditional manual inspection
Revolutionary waves are being created in multiple industries